Practical Compiler Design

Implimenting jlox


  • Sreedeep CV A.K.A Cripto
  • wannabe reverse engineer
  • Compiler Designer
  • student

Lox basics

  • Lox is dynamically typed
  • does automatic memory management
  • Object-oriented
  • declare variables using var statements

                            print “Hello lox” ;
                            var a = “lox string” ;

                        var breakfast = "beignets";
                        var beverage = "cafe au lait";
                        breakfast = "beignets with " + beverage;
                        print breakfast;


  • Boolian
  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • Nil
  • Example:

    1234;  // An integer.
    12.34; // A decimal number
    "I am a string";
    "";    // The empty string.
    "123"; // This is a string, not a number.

Control Flow

  • If -else
  • while loops

                        var i = 0;
                            print "Hello";
                            i = i+1;
  • For loop

                    var sum = 0;
                    for(var i=0;i<101;i=i+1)
                        sum = sum +i;

                    print sum ;


Each rule is a name, followed by an arrow (→), followed by a sequence of symbols, and finally ending with a semicolon (;).

                        breakfast  → protein "with" breakfast "on the side" ;
                        breakfast  → protein ;
                        breakfast  → bread ;
                        protein    → crispiness "crispy" "bacon" ;
                        protein    → "sausage" ;
                        protein    → cooked "eggs" ;
                        crispiness → "really" ;
                        crispiness → "really" crispiness ;
                        cooked     → "scrambled" ;
                        cooked     → "poached" ;
                        cooked     → "fried" ;
                        bread      → "toast" ;
                        bread      → "biscuits" ;
                        bread      → "English muffin" ;
  • Literals. Numbers, strings, Booleans, and nil.
  • Unary expressions. A prefix ! to perform a logical not, and - to negate a number.
  • Binary expressions. The infix arithmetic (+, -, *, /) and logic operators (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=) we know and love.
  • Parentheses A pair of ( and ) wrapped around an expression.

                    expression     → literal
                                | unary
                                | binary
                                | grouping ;

                    literal        → NUMBER | STRING | "true" | "false" | "nil" ;
                    grouping       → "(" expression ")" ;
                    unary          → ( "-" | "!" ) expression ;
                    binary         → expression operator expression ;
                    operator       → "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">="
                                | "+"  | "-"  | "*" | "/" ;


scan through the list of characters and group them together into the smallest sequences that still represent something. Each of these blobs of characters is called a lexeme.

package com.craftinginterpreters.lox;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import static com.craftinginterpreters.lox.TokenType.*; 

class Scanner {
  private final String source;
  private final List tokens = new ArrayList<>();

  Scanner(String source) {
    this.source = source;


We define the set of reserved words in a map.

private static final Map keywords;
static {
    keywords = new HashMap<>();
    keywords.put("and",    AND);
    keywords.put("class",  CLASS);
    keywords.put("else",   ELSE);
    keywords.put("false",  FALSE);
    keywords.put("for",    FOR);
    keywords.put("fun",    FUN);
    keywords.put("if",     IF);
    keywords.put("nil",    NIL);
    keywords.put("or",     OR);
    keywords.put("print",  PRINT);
    keywords.put("return", RETURN);
    keywords.put("super",  SUPER);
    keywords.put("this",   THIS);
    keywords.put("true",   TRUE);
    keywords.put("var",    VAR);
    keywords.put("while",  WHILE);


parser is a literal translation of the grammar rules straight into imperative code. Each rule becomes a function. The body of the rule translates to code

  • Each rule produces a syntax tree and return it to the caller
  • There are lots of similarity with scanner here we use tokens instead of lexemes

Recursive descent parser

A recursive descent parser is a literal translation of the grammar’s rules straight into imperative code. Each rule becomes a function. The body of the rule translates to code roughly like:

Grammar notation Code representation
Terminal Code to match and consume a token
Nonterminal Call to that rule’s function
| if or switch statement
* or + while or for loop
? if statement


  • Create Interpreter class which implements Expr and Stmt (visitor class)
  • literal lokens are converted into a literal tree syntax node by parser .Now interpreter convert that into runtime value
  • Interpreter do postorder tree traversal


  • Setup call method to make function call(parser)
  • Finish call method to check for arguments
  • Interpret function call (visitCallExpr)
  • Crate loxCallable interface 
Function Declaraion

                        funDecl        → "fun" function ;
                        function       → IDENTIFIER "(" parameters? ")" block ;
                        parameters     → IDENTIFIER ( "," IDENTIFIER )* ;



    1.Exposes a constructor to create and initialize new instances of the class

    2.Provides a way to store and access fields on instances

    3.Defines a set of methods shared by all instances of the class that operate on each instances’ state

                    private Stmt classDeclaration() {
                        Token name = consume(IDENTIFIER, "Expect class name.");
                        consume(LEFT_BRACE, "Expect '{' before class body.");
                        List methods = new ArrayList<>();
                        while (!check(RIGHT_BRACE) && !isAtEnd()) {
                        consume(RIGHT_BRACE, "Expect '}' after class body.");
                        return new Stmt.Class(name, methods);


                            class Doughnut {
                                cook() {
                                  print "Fry until golden brown.";
                              class BostonCream < Doughnut {
                                cook() {
                                  print "Pipe full of custard and coat with chocolate.";

                            Fry until golden brown.
                            Pipe full of custard and coat with chocolate

using super keyword

  • tokens and lexing,
  • abstract syntax trees,
  • recursive descent parsing,
  • prefix and infix expressions,
  • runtime representation of objects,
  • interpreting code using the Visitor pattern,
  • lexical scope,
  • environment chains for storing variables,
  • control flow,
  • closures,
  • classes,
  • methods, and finally,
  • inheritance.