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Getting Started


One-line install/update in Linux/MacOS

To install/update Lama2 and its dependencies automatically, run the following:

curl -s | bash -s

One-line install/update in Windows

To install/update Lama2 and its dependencies automatically, run the following as Administrator:

choco install lama2 --version=1.0.0 --force -y

(Optional) Import your collections from Postman

Follow guide to import your existing Postman collections into a Plain-Text Lama2 repository.

Self update

An easier way to update the binary to latest release is through:

l2 -u


Install the VSCode extension to launch requests from within your editor

Manual install

Step 1: Install HTTPie

Lama2 depends on HTTPie for Terminal. Use their official instructions to get the http command functional in your local system.

Step 2: Download & install Lama2 binary packages

Head over to Lama2 releases. Check under the Assets head to find various packages. Download the relevant package for your operating system and CPU architecture. Once you have the package, run the following:

tar --overwrite -xvzf <download>.tar.gz
mv l2 /usr/local/bin

Build from source

Run make in the project root. You'll need to have the following tools in your PATH:

  1. go (v1.17+)
  2. golangcli-lint
  3. gofumpt

Also, you'll need to install mkdocs the first time; for that run these:

cd docs/Lama2
poetry install # get poetry from

Once make finishes, find the binary at ./build/l2. Moreover, you can launch the documentation locally through make serve.

Read makefile to find other useful helper commands.

How to use

From the terminal

Type l2 into the terminal. You should get something like:

  l2 [OPTIONS] [LamaAPIFile]

Application Options:
  -o, --output=      Path to output JSON file to store logs, headers and result
  -v, --verbose      Show verbose debug information
  -n, --nocolor      Disable color in httpie output
  -e  --env=         Get a JSON of environment variables revelant to input arg
  -h, --help         Usage help for Lama2
      --version      Print Lama2 binary version

Help Options:
  -h, --help         Show this help message

From VS Code

Find Lama2 for VSCode at the VSCode Marketplace. The extension requires the l2 command available (usually at /usr/local/bin/l2 for Linux/MacOS and C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin for Windows).

Once the extension is installed, open the command palette (ctrl + shift + p) and search for Execute current file to execute the file